WV Website Design and Promotion by ShenandoahConnection.com
We are a Shenandoah Valley SEO Firm that brings over 14 years experience in the Search Industry with extensive expertise in link building campaigns, website design, search engine optimization, and online marketing.
ShenandoahConnection.com has helped a wide variety of clients ranging from home based business owners to larger based companies and dropship businesses. We achieve top rankings on all major search engines including MSN, Yahoo! and Google.
We conduct a business analysis and develop unique selling points for the business. Clients are able to achieve greater success with relatively lower marketing budgets in highly competitive markets. Learn More >>>
We collaborate with other web designers and web promoters which benefits everyone. By working together we can increase productivity and cost savings for our businesses, giving clients a valuable edge in today's marketplace.
Dear Shenandoah Connection,
"You have made me smarter; literally raised my IQ 10 points! In our Virginia-based business, we not only sell pianos, we move them as well. Now, we have a really nice Web site that advertises our pianos and services, but we lacked the online coverage in Harrisonburg and throughout "the Valley". While our Web site was there, no one in this territory was finding our business by searching online because our site simply didn't show up as a search result on the first couple of pages. And we wanted to be on the first page of Google results for the search terms pianos Harrisonburg and piano movers Harrisonburg as well as all other communities in Western Virginia. Shenandoahconnection.com told me that he could make that happen...for a price.
I'm a skeptic, but I also knew that for the fairly low price it would cost me for a year of placement, I could recoup the cost and more with just a few new customers. So, we took what for us was a big risk of being taken by another web guy, and I placed the ad. I was astounded with the results. #1 on Google for both searches! And what's more, within two days of contracting for the ad, I received a piano move order from a customer that was large enough to pay for the ad immediately.
In the first month, we added thousands of dollars worth of piano move orders that I can directly attribute to our ad and new piano customers from new territories are presenting themselves to us weekly. Now several months later, we have advertised further with Shenandoahconnection.com affiliated Web pages." - Randolph Byrd, Charlottesville Piano.
634 Rio Road W Charlottesville, VA 22901 Tel:434-296-8886 - Fax:434-296-8890